CTA - Community Telco Australia
CTA stands for Community Telco Australia
Here you will find, what does CTA stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Community Telco Australia? Community Telco Australia can be abbreviated as CTA What does CTA stand for? CTA stands for Community Telco Australia. What does Community Telco Australia mean?Community Telco Australia is an expansion of CTA
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Alternative definitions of CTA
- Control De Tráfico Aéreo
- Call To Action
- Control Terminal Agency
- Chinese Theater Association
- Commodity Trading Adviser
- Chicago Transit Authority
- Commodity Trading Advisor
- Catania, Italy
View 151 other definitions of CTA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CCPL Custom Cartons Pty Ltd
- CCS Child Care Solutions
- CSA Cornwall Staff Agency
- CDL Clouse Dunn LLP
- CES Chainsaw Europe Studio
- CBC Coronado Bay Capital
- CSP Center Stage Productions
- CMC Charter Machine Company
- CF Cathedral of Faith
- CCHC Crescent Community Health Center
- CL Clair de Lune
- CPRD Cleo Parker Robinson Dance
- CSS Chattanooga Shooting Supplies
- CSL Capricorn Security Limited
- COS Compass Office Solutions
- CHS Chalmette High School
- CPI Career Placements India
- CFF Carolina Fresh Farms
- CBS Computerized Business Solutions
- CBH Cornerstone Behavioral Healthcare